Principal's Desk
Dear Parents & Children –

Dolphin Public School, Chheetpur, Dilippur has established with keeping in view the growing demand of a good English school to enlighten the children of the locality/society and its surroundings so that they won’t hinder themselves to walk head high with the urban society.

We the family of DPS optimistically believe that establishing such type of school, will surely benefit the children who are thought to be the pillars of a nation. The changing scenario would not only make them to utilize their hidden talent but also improve their skills to keep pace with changing times.

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think"-Socrates. Open mindedness, a multicultural orientation, independence, a global outlook, multiple intelligences and abilities – these are the premium qualities needed today. The school desires to set an approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking and an ethical approach that becomes a lifetime habit. The students are helped to focus on confidence building, while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility through academic and co-curricular activities as we believe, like Paul “Bear” Bryant that, “It is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference”.

I strongly believe that education is a collaborative effort that involves professional administrators, committed teachers and motivated students. We dedicate ourselves as professional administrators in creating a dynamic education programme empowering the students in a global perspective. We wish our students all the success in the new ERA of learning.


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